Sunday, November 18, 2007

Accidental Flush...

I have a heart-breaking/funny story about Kerrigan.

Tonight when I was putting the kids to bed, I was in the kid's room tucking in Jude while Kerrigan was in the bathroom. I was walking toward the bathroom when I heard Kerrigan say, 'daddy', so I opened the door to see what she needed. As I opened the door she started to scream, and I'm not talking about a stubbed toe scream, this was a 'there's a big creepy bug, a bat, a lion and an alien in the bathroom with me' type of scream! I held on to her and tried to ask what happened, but she was incoherent and inconsolable and only screamed harder and louder. I was a little scared, I didn't know what was going on or what had happened. She had been fine a moment ago, but then went to pieces in the period of a few seconds. I thought maybe she slammed her finger in the toilet seat cover, but it didn't look like it.

So, all this happened within a few seconds... I tried asking her again what happened and by this time I hear Amy flying up the stairs. Kerrigan wailed something that sounded like, 'I lusssssssed I saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.'

Amy got it before I did. She said, 'Kerrigan, did you flush your sock in the toilet?"

She unburried her face from my chest and cried, "YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!" and screamed even louder.

Amy and I, in spite of Kerrigan's trauma, started cracking up (are we bad parents?) and laughed. I held my poor little girl and tried to comfort her. Finally she settled down enough where we were able to get out of her exactly what happened: She had changed into her pj's in the bathroom before going potty. She picked up her clothes and tried to flush when one of her socks fell into the toilet and helplessly watched it swirl off into sewer oblivion. She was SOOO upset; it was a very special sock, you know?

It's not over yet... So we get Kerrigan settled down a bit and then we hear Jude crying in his room. We go in to see what's up and he's hiding under his covers, visibly shaken. Seeing that Jude was crying, Kerrigan started up again. He had never heard Kerrigan cry like that beofre (none of us had, even when she had 2nd degree burns on her leg when she was a baby, I don't remember her crying so loud).

It took about 10 minutes to restore order. I had to dramatically re-inact (which wasn't too far off from what happened) the whole event before they both started seeing the humor in the whole thing and began laughing as we re-told the story to each other several times before we said it was enough and it was time for bed.

It's still not over yet... a little while after all had settled down, Ames and I were downstairs watching Sunday Night Football, Kerrigan came down asking if she could use the downstairs bathroom because she didn't want to accidentally flush her sock again... Poor little sweetie.

Ames is going to get her some new socks tomorrow.

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