Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Moe's National Burrito Eating Contest

A few of the guys and I from work are regulars at a local burrito joint, called Moe's (a lot like 'Chipotle' for you guys back in Cleveland). A few weeks ago, my boss and I saw a store promotion for a burrito eating contest where you could win Moe's burritos for life, so we filled out the card and entered.

Just today, I got the call from a Moe's rep saying I was selected for the contest. Sweeeet. I think Marc was a bit bummed he got dissed. Sorry, Marc.

Here's the deal, next Saturday (July 29th) I show up at Moe's with approx. 29 other burrito bashers. The first to eat three 'Joey Bag of Donuts' burritos wins, and advances to the next level... Uh, I don't even know what the 'next level' is... I think a state-wide burrito eating contest or something.

Anyway, I'll have Amy take pictures so you can see my burrito gorged grill. Should be fun. A bunch of my co-workers are coming and I'm going to see if some friends from church will drop by as well... what a riot this should be.

Win or lose, I still get to eat free Moe's burritos next Saturday!

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