Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Radiant Vista

I figured since I've been in the mood of recommendations recently, I'll refer you to a site I visit often: The Radiant Vista. It is geared towards Digital Photographers & Photoshop users.

It has many excellent recourses including The Daily Critique. Each day you can download an mpeg video clip (each critique averages about 5 minutes) where Craig Tanner critiques an image submitted by a beginner, intermediate or advanced photographer.

The other slick spot on the site, which is my favorite, is The Photoshop Workbench. Once a week, a 15-20 minute mpeg video is available for download and features a similar format as the Daily Critique, but Mark Johnson gives his input on what he would do to further enhance the chosen submitted photograph, and along the way pointing out tips, tricks and processes that make the seemingly difficult enhancements easy.

Besides them are other video tutorials, pdf tutorials and other information. It really seems criminal that all this is free. If any of you are photographers or Photoshop enthusiasts, I think the resources on this site will take your hobby to a deeper, more professional level.

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