Sunday, August 10, 2008

Are You Gonna Be My Girl?

Like I posted earlier, we just got 'Rock Band'. Since then, we have been rockin' the neighborhood with our tasty jams.

I now present you with our first rock video release, "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?" with Jude on lead guitar, Doug on bass and Kerrigan making her debut on lead vocals!

Turn it UP!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

King's X Concert with Dave!

Dave came up from Charlotte for a King's X concert and I tagged along. What a great show! We squeezed up front for a great spot and was only a row from the front. Doug, Jerry and Ty were amazing! Amazing crowd interaction and Doug (lead singer/bass) nodded to me to sing a key point to one of their songs! AWESOME! It was at a place called Volume 11 (nod to Spinal Tap) and there couldn't have been more than 250 or 300 people there! They stuck around after the show to meet folks at the front door. How cool is that!? Love these guys!
Oh yeah, the picture of me and Dave with PBR's is classic! I can't remember the last time I had one of those!

Jude earned his yellow belt

Jude earned his yellow belt about five weeks ago, but his teacher kept forgetting to bring it in. Finally got it today and he was so happy. We are so proud of him!
Not only is Jude taking karate classes every Saturday, but he and Kerrigan will also be taking a three week (every day) Tae Kwan-Do program in September. They are both super excited and I know they will have such a great time.

Our Rock Band

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Brett now a Jet... wow

I could write for a while regarding the whole Favre off-season debacle... in a nutshell: I love Brett, but I love the Packers more. I think Brett realized after he retired was that he didn't want to spend his time mowing the lawn in Mississippi when he knew he could still throw the ball better than most in the NFL.

I think the Packers were done with Brett's indeciciveness over the past few seasons and they were set with the direction that was set in motion when Brett announced his retirement at the end of last season.

Who wins and who loses?

The Packers win, because they are still in the same position they were initially: with Aaron Rogers at the helm plus a draft pick to boot. Also, Brett is moved not only out of the NFC Central division, but the conference all together.

Aaron Rogers wins, gold medal for handling this situation better than anyone could have hoped.

Brett Favre wins: he gets to play football again, albeit not for the Pack. Isn't all he wanted anyway? I still love him, but lost a little respect for the way he handled things. I do respect that he passed up the 20-25 mil payday for NOT playing... I think that showed that he just wanted to play, regardless of where.

The Jets win big: they had nothing to lose, and their draft pick they traded for is only dependant on Brett's performance. If Brett does poorly, they give up a 4th rounder. If Brett does well and leads them to the playoffs, they give up a 1st or 2nd rounder. They win, and I think Brett may stick around past this season... maybe as many as three seasons. I see him there for a while.

Anyway... that said, chances are I'll get a #12 Packer jersey before I get a #4 Jets jersey.

bye, Brett; hello Aaron